Monday, October 18, 2010

Plumbing Plumbing Plumbing

A full weekend of house projects! 

The contractors showed up this weekend to put the finishing touches on the siding, and Dad and I brought the excavator out to connect the power, water and storm drains.

Top of the house, done!

In order to install the soffits, the guys had to build a temporary deck!

Rain drains in!

Tying the french drain to the rain drains to carry water out past the driveway
Power and water connections

Little vault for the PVC valve

Tyler is helping sweep the basement


  1. Wow siding! Yay! So what will the real deck look like?

  2. 16' x 40'! Something like this:

  3. I'm glad you threw a Tyler pic in since you have confiscated my camera :)
