Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I hate making a blog post without pictures.... so insert cliche' late 80's cartoon character "He-Man"


OK, now that that's out of the way....

Friday, I went to the County and purchased a temporary power permit ($68.50).

This weekend was somewhat productive.  Our ditch is now completely filled and we installed a temporary power pole near the PUD handhold.  It turns out that the temporary power pole is not something you can simply go down to Fred Meyer and purchase for $50.  Go figure.  I made some calls to local electricians to figure out exactly what I needed.  It would have cost me about $500 to go down to Platt and build myself a new one.  Add to that, the $12 8' ground rod and the $50 in direct bury power cable.. and I was looking at close to $600 for the stupid thing.

Enter E2 Electric in Newport.  Rich was nice enough to "rent" me a temporary power pole for the 6 months during construction.  He supplied everything except the ground rod ($12) for a cool $200!  It turns out that normally electricians will install a temp pole at your location for free if you use them to wire your house.  Since I have 0 control over WHO wires my house, I had to get creative.

The PUD will be on-site in about 30 minutes to run the wire for my homesite.  They are running 400amp rated wire so I can upgrade my service down the road once the shop is complete.  Once the County completes the inspection, they will "green tag" my power pole.. and the PUD will install the meter.  Once the power is done, I will be READY FOR SITE INSPECTION!

1 comment:

  1. I commend your creativity on finding a good, less expensive option, go Matt!!!
